Sunday, January 14, 2007

Back by Popular Demand!

I've decided to give this Blog thing another try. Many of my friends have told me how much they enjoyed my "Pushing the Fin(n)ish Line" site and have been wanting me to write more. 2006 having been a shitty year for me from the very beginning (although good times were to be had) I didn't feel like writing anything. I felt my sense of humor wasn't like it was before, and in general stopped most email contact with about everybody.
But now feeling better and looking forward to the new year and a lot more contacts to keep up with, I figured this would be the best thing.
Since I am back in Iceland and not in Finland, I've started a new site with a new name. If I go back to Finland, I might continue the Finnish Line one.

I won't recap the last year, but I ended the year and began the new one in Germany and Austria. Met up with some old friends in Berlin and Leipzig. On my way to Austria I stopped over in Garching an der Alz to visit Jasmin (whom I hadn't seen since May) and continued on to Innsbruck the next day where I met my family. We spent a week in Innsbruck seeing the town and doing some skiing with a day trip to Italy. I was also fortunate enough to meet some very nice, local Tirolean women, who invited me to their apartment for some wine and took me out to a club for some dancing. Yes, I was dancing!!! Happens very rarely, but I was. Then back to Berlin with Daniel where I met up with Miri, Victor, Arnim, and Dorit (all whom I met in Iceland this last semester) and had a few nice evenings out before I flew off to Copenhagen. I ended up staying the night in Malmo with a friend I hadn't seen (nor spoken to) in awhile (Viktor). Then I arrived back to the Devil's Island.
So thanks to everyone who came to visit me, let me crash in their beds or on their couches, and showed me a good time. One of the best vacations I have taken in awhile!

I've also started another photo site. So here are some links to some photos.
The week in Innsbruck Here
Photos from Berlin Here
Trip to South Iceland in October Here
and my trip to Norway last August Here


1 comment:

Anna said...

Good to see you're back!
Let's hope 2007 will be a better one.